This isn’t about weight loss…

I got married last year and really agonized over the need for brides to lose weight. I worked out all the time and got into pretty decent shape. Then the wedding happened, then the honeymoon, then the holidays, then I had an injury and before you know it, it’s been 3 months since I’ve been to the gym. And going back to the gym after a long time is hard. It is intimidating and  I was comparing how I am now (in bad shape) to how I was back in November (okay shape). So I went back to the gym and fiddled on the treadmill, the stair master, the elliptical. And I was bored and frustrated and kept talking myself out of taking the time out of my day to go. So then I stopped again.

Enter ClassPass, a site where you pay a monthly fee and have access to unlimited fitness classes around your city. You can only go to the same studio 3 times a month, so it is a chance to go and explore all kinds of workout routines. It is great for those of us with gym ADD.

And the way I work, if I have a place to be at a certain time, I will be there. And because every workout is a different and new place, it is never boring. And it’s challenging.

My whole life I have tried to be skinny because I thought that meant I would be prettier somehow.  And then that would translate into me being happier. When I think back to my skinniest times or “salad days”, I don’t think that I was SOO much happier than in my fatter times or “cupcake days”.  But what does make me happier is accomplishing something, doing something I didn’t think I could do.

So I started this blog….

about getting into shape and being strong.

It’s not really going to be something that a before and after photo will be able to encapsulate, so I’m not posting one.  It’s about seeing what my body is capable of.  So I’ll start with my first workout.

My first class was a cross training class at the Sweat Garage. As soon as I walked in, I got a warm welcome. Everyone was so nice! There were about ten treadmills against a wall in what was actually a fancy garage and weights and mats and stuff at the end of the room. On a white board the instructor had written out the routine for the day. It was 6 rounds of 6 minute intervals after a 6 minute warmup. There was strength training, jumping rope….and running. I HATE running. I hate it with a passion. I am short and stocky and I was not made to run. But that is what this class required and I am scared of most fitness instructors, so I did it. I jumped rope too, which I also hate. The running part was the hardest and there were more than a few times that I slowed down to a walk because I couldn’t hack it. But the instructor was encouraging, telling me I was really impressive for my first class. He even hugged me after, it was so nice. The most challenging part about the class was at the end when I walked outside and the Free Range chicken and biscuit truck was outside. Even though this process has nothing to do with dieting, I am proud to report I did not have one. I wanted to wait at least an hour before ruining all the hard work I did with food.

Besides, I felt like puking after all that running.